Thursday, January 31, 2013

What a day...

So, I woke up this morning sicker than I was yesterday. I help get LJ ready for school and then hubby had a dentist appointment and Miss E decided to wake up early, so I called for mom came and played with her until hubby could get home so I could get some rest. When he got home he brought lunch and we all sat down and ate. Then I got Miss E ready to go town with daddy to pick up my prescription the doctor so kindly called in for me, get new tires on his truck, pick up sweet LJ from school, and go watch Ash play ball.

I was settling down to take another long nap when our niece texted me that she was coming by to pick up some Scentsy light bulbs. Now...I'm looking pretty rough, so I tell her they will be on the porch and I will be in bed. I'm laying in bed scrolling through facebook when I hear a car door. Automatically I assume it's her and she'll be on her way soon. Well...I never hear her get back into her car...I didn't think much of it. Then I got up to go get some paperwork and the laptop because I knew I needed to place an order today and I thought bed was the best place to do it. I'm wandering all around the living room, kitchen, office, and even out to my car in the garage, not noticing the car sitting in my driveway. On my way back to the bedroom it catches my's not her I sneak into Miss E's room to get a better peak without being seen. It's a little Kia SUV with the window down a bit, but I couldn't see I (being somewhat medicated) still think nothing of it. I assumed she had met a friend here to go to town together with or something like that. I come back to bed. Just a few minutes later she sends me a text asking who the man was in my yard. What?!?! So I sneak back to a hidden window and look out. She's standing there talking to this weirdo in sweat pants, driving a kia. He flashes her an odd shaped badge and tells her he is doing an investigation and needs to talk to...and then points at hubby's patrol car. She tells him he's not home, so he tells her he's just going to wait. Well...she decides it's just too fishy. I tell her I have no idea who he is or what it could be about and to either get in her car and leave as fast as she can, or sneak around to the backyard and I would let her in. I called hubby and he was sitting at the tire place with all four tires and wheels he calls headquarters and they send deputies and troopers my way. By this time and his tone of voice I'm scared to death. He tells me (in a tone I've never heard from my hubby) to get the gun, get it ready and get our niece in the house. "Shoot him if he tries to come in." Oh my...I just don't feel good today, and I really wasn't wanting to have to shoot anyone honey...I'd be looking all crazy on the news and stuff! LOL! Anyway, it wasn't funny at the time. So, hubby also called a neighbor...a big neighbor, and he shows up in his "beast" (that's what he calls it)'s about a 1990 model suburban (slick) with monster tires on it and a very loud engine. Hahaha...that will scare him I think. Then two deputies, and a patrol car pull in with their lights on...wonder what he thought then...anyway. He tells them he's a private investigator looking into some guys workers' comp case that is going to court in 6 weeks and he's trying to prove it fraudulent. REALLY?!?!? What a freak! Hubby wouldn't have known anything about the guy...all we know is he lives down the road and had back surgery. Dude, you do NOT pull up into a law enforcement officer's drive way in your kia, wearing your sweats, flash a badge at somebody and expect to be taken serious. Good way to get dead!

Later, hubby saw said kia and two deputies pull into a local gas station, so dear hubby pulls in as well and proceeds to tell said moron what a stupid idea that was and...well...basically not to ever do it again.

Whew! It really scared me and made me think. You just never know about people. Which brings up another point I haven't talked about yet in this blog. We want to move. See...where we live is very close to a road...real I don't let my children play in the front yard close. It's a county road, but it is still highly traveled and more than once have suspicious people stopped here just because they see the patrol car. We even had a drunk lady drive through our fence once. Hubby doesn't want me or our children to be victim to some crazy who has it out for cops. When we moved here 5 years ago we said we would only stay a few years and then sell. Well...yeah...we're still here. Then when LJ started school it was really hard on me because we do not live in the school district I want my children to go to school at and there is a waiting list for transfers that is just not getting smaller. So he started at another school that we love, but just don't want him there forever. So, we've been looking for, ideally, land where we can build, but we've also looked at a few houses in the area. Everytime one comes up it seems like that's the one, but then something always happens. I have high hopes and just keep praying, but days like today really try my patience...even hubby said, "See, this is why I'm so ready to move!"

Anyway, I got my prescription and some really good cold and sinus meds and I'm headed to bed. Praying that tomorrow will be a better day...if I'm down much longer all of my hard work will be in vain, hubby just can't keep up! LOL!  I did get in a couple loads of laundry, cleaned up the supper dishes (thank you hubby)  and picked up the kids toys before they went to bed, so it hasn't all fallen apart yet.

Until tomorrow,...


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