Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Beginnings are hard...

Oh my gosh! What a day! I'm blogging now, but should be putting my children to bed and putting toys away, but I'm pooped. At least I can admit that I know what I should be doing...that's the first step right?

This was NOT a good first day to try to be a good, happy, "perfect" person. I did get up, work out, shower, put on something besides yoga pants and a sweatshirt, fixed my hair, instead of putting on a hat, and actually wore makeup! I started back on my Body By Vi shakes and the kids even wanted one this morning! I had a gift card for Stage that was burning a hole in my pocket and I needed to get a new day planner, so I thought the kids and I could run around town. BAD IDEA!!! E was horrible!! We went to Staples first and she kept trying to climb out of the basket...I could hardly look to make sure I was getting a planner I would be satisfied with. Then we went to the department store. I don't buy many clothes for myself, so I told the kids we were going to find them some stuff. She was ALL over the place! I tried yelling at her, I tried threatening her, I tried taking her to the bathroom and spanking her (don't judge me), I tried getting on her level and speaking slowly, NOTHING got through to her. I was so frustrated by the time we got the checkout. Thank goodness LJ decided he was going to have a good day because he was actually a lot of help with the little she devil. I don't know what I'm going to with her. When she's sweet she's so sweet, but when she's bad...she's horrid! The whole time I was wanting to pull every strand of hair out of my head I kept thinking...I need to keep my cool...I don't want the first few days of my blog to talk about what a horrible mother I am because I ripped my child's head off. So when we got in the car I turned on the radio. KLOVE is doing a 30 day challenge to listen to nothing but Christian music for 30 days, so I sign up for that, blasted the radio and took SEVERAL deep breaths and calmed down. We picked up Ash today and I knew she would help too and soon my stress level would fall back down. We got home and hubby was off and plans were made for E to stay home with him while we went to church. Thank goodness for was just what I needed after an afternoon like we had. My Wednesday night children's class needed to start new curriculum tonight and I had chosen to start working on memory verses. I only had LJ and one other kiddo tonight so it was good to be able to work one on one with them learning John 3:16 and exactly what it means. LJ amazes me everyday with his memory and wisdom...he is too smart for his own good! He picked it up pretty quick and was marching around the room reciting the ever so famous verse while I worked with the other little one. She struggled for a long time and was trying so very hard, but everything that I had been frustrated about melted away when she finally said the final word of that verse all by herself and smiled great big at me and we both shouted "You {I} did it!!!" I was so proud and happy for her that I decided THAT was what mattered about today...not that my youngest child knocked all the purses off the shelf so she could lay on it...that stuff is petty...that stuff is stuff...that's all...learning and teaching the gospel and preparing ourselves for the Kingdom of Heaven is what's eternal. I love it, I'm sitting here, still with a pounding headache, watching E dump out her toy box and dodging RC helecopters but smiling because I've put today in perspective, it started out rough, but was redeemed through the small voice of child. Now I think I will put on those yoga pants and sweatshirt, pull my hair back, pick up the toys, turn out the lights and hug my babies and my hubby. Oh yeah, guess I will change all the sheets on all the beds since they all had accidents last night...ugh. LOL!

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