Sunday, January 6, 2013

Nice things

Well, I'd have to say today was a pretty great day. I got up before anyone else...which is what needs to happen. Don't you think? Mama needs to get ready first so that she can get everyone else ready, right? So, we all got ready and headed to church. I am a little disappointed that I obviously just can NOT have a nice pair of sunglasses. I really like the sunglasses from Montana West. They are not hundred dollar sunglasses, but their not dollar store sunglasses. The first pair I had E picked up one night and pulled on both ear pieces as hard as she could until they snapped. Ugh! So, my kind hubby bought me an even prettier pair for Christmas. They of course have bling, but these had beautiful turquoise pieces on them...we get into the car, I grab my shades, and one of my turquoise jewels is gone! Guess I'll go to the dollar store and quit trying to be glamorous! Hahaha! Anyway, it always seems like no matter how early (or late) or we are for church I feel rushed to get everything done by the time praise and worship starts. Whether it's making copies, writing checks, handing out mail, or getting snacks ready, I'm sweating by the time I sit down. Today, I ended up in the nursery finishing up my paperwork and totally missed praise and worship. Thank goodness for a great sound system!

Then came my joy.

Have I mentioned how much I love my kiddos in the children's ministry? Oh! They are precious babies! Today we talked about how much Jesus taught, healed, and saved people when he walked the earth. I love the looks on their faces when they really start getting it. Today, I listened as my own son told me what it meant to be baptised. Oh my goodness...I'm doing something, I take that back, God is doing something right through me! Praise God!

After church we headed to hubby's hometown to celebrate his grandmother's 95th birthday! He comes from a huge family and they all love Grandma Opal! I did have one ugly episode while we were there. From the moment we walked in hubby was visiting with the men folk which left me to tend to the kiddos. I was fine with that...until time to fix plates. There was so much food, we had two lines to walk through, and I had three plates in my hands and two kids under my heels. We made it all the to the end of the second line when BAM...Landon's plate slid off the edge of the table where I had sat it to load him up with some pickles. He looked at me fearfully thinking it was his fault, which it wasn't and my temper flared...hubby was half way across the room and I said (yelled...just a little), "Hey Alan! Do you think you could maybe, possibly, help me just a little?!?!" Then I swallowed my tongue...oops! Hehe! Got his attention though and he was more than willing to help the rest of the time we were there. And guess what...when we got to the table I had ONE thing, out of two lines of food, on my plate. Man...I needed a breather.

Put it into perspective.

Along came MIL, who I LOVE visiting with. Now this grandmother is her mother and at 95 years of age she could out run me. I promise. And she is so funny! But after suffering some falls and some other health issues and hospitalizations she has been placed in a care center. Ever now and then grandma can come up with some stories, we think she likes the attention, but other times, she really does think what she says is true, but what is so weird and I will never understand unless I make it 95, is she later realizes when she says something totally wrong. Like thinking her husband, who passed years ago, is alive, and then hours later saying, "I can't believe I said that, I know he's gone." It's amazing how the mind works, but even more amazing how the mind works after 95 years. We took tons and tons of pictures today, and I think I'll try for the first time I'll try to upload an image tonight, but the sweetest thing...after the party was over and everyone was starting to fade out, Grandma Opal said, "See y'all here again next year!" Love it!

Getting ready.

Welp, the kiddos were in bed earlier tonight than they have all year...hahaha...and the backpack is ready, clothes laid out, lunch box packed. Tomorrow I will start anew. I intend on printing off my cool little organizational printables I've found on pinterest and seeing which ones of them will really help me, making my lists, and planning week. I can't wait to see how it goes. But I know that even my hopes fail, God's plans prevail!

Until tomorrow!

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