Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Mother Nature...really?!?!

Ladies...I'm only bouncing on here for a moment because I guess Mother Nature's mood swings have done me in! I woke up with a horrible head ache, sore throat, stuffy nose and lots of congestion. I tried really hard not to let it get me down. I did a couple of loads of laundry, switched over the dishes, and I even cooked LJ and hubby breakfast before they left this morning!

Miss E was a crazy woman last night and we didn't get much sleep, so she slept late this morning and I could have gotten a lot done in Ash's room but I just couldn' sickly.

We had to run to town in the afternoon for few errands and then church and business meeting I'm waiting for Nyquil to do to me what I hear so many say it does to them. I was supposed to place a Scentsy order tonight...but it'll just have to wait.

I guess we all have to have down days right? I'm just relieved hubby is off now until Monday so I can maybe recooperate and keep on trucking!

Until tomorrow...Terra

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