Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Stick a fork in me...

I don't know what's gotten into me but I like it and I'm taking advantage of it while it lasts...hopefully from now on...but...we'll see!

Today was another work my hiney off day. More dishes and more laundry...I swear...my children dirty up more clothes in one day than most children do in a week! Lol! And towels...I try everyday to get them to dry off in the bathroom they are in and leave the towel there, but they want to wrap up in the towel and wander off somewhere else before the drop it and leave it. Then by the time I find it I don't know whether it's clean or dirty so I wash it anyway. Hubby got in trouble today about laundry...we have a love seat in our bedroom and usually he puts clothes that he's going to "recycle" on there, but today, I had had enough...I sorted through it and washed it...he had a full load just by himself!

In my handy dandy 2013 planner, it has a place for notes on the opposite page of each week, so I've been writing my menu, goals, and things to do on there. One thing on my goal for this week was the garage. Christmas stuff was all still down off the shelves and there were four...yes four boxes of stuff I had cleaned out of my car the last...I guess four times I cleaned it out. I went through all of those boxes and put things away and guess what...more laundry...yay! Lol!

Miss E and I colored, read books and worked a puzzle...over and over! I really just think she's wanting to spend time at home with her mommy. When LJ got home he played ABC Mouse. I love that...if you haven't checked it our for your kiddos you should. I was getting worried about him with the video games that last few days. He's had an iPod for a while, but he usually only plays on it when we're going somewhere or at a restaurant of something. We have a wii, but he rarely asks to play it. Last year we got an xbox 360 and just recently kind of got into it so they all got xbox games for Christmas this year. He played his Lego Batman game for a little while right after Christmas but then lost interest...well, he went to a birthday party the other day and the little boy had it and had reached level 2. This sparked his interest again and he's been hooked. I have talked to him about doing other things that will make him stronger or smarter but he just said, "I know." So anyway, I was so proud to see him get on abcmouse.com and start checking things off his chore list as soon as he got home!

Hubby cooked deer tonight and I fixed some yummy potoato rounds I found on pinterest. The kids ate great and we were ready for bed early!

Well, I've already got lots on my list for tomorrow and my back is killing me...I'm going to bed and I hope it feels better in the morning...until tomorrow...


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