Friday, February 1, 2013

On The Mend...I Think

Today was another day of rest for me. I slept until about 11am! Hubby cooked "brunch" and then took little sister to get feed (livestock), and pick up brother. I took a shower, did a few loads of laundry and changed the sheets, then I went back to bed because all of that made me feel like I had just ran a marathon. I was really wanting to mop my kitchen because it had little spots on it, so after my nap I did floors and rugs...once again, that WORE ME OUT.

I'm so ready for this feeling to go away. I hate when you have a cold, first you are sick from the cold, then it's like you're sick from the cold head is in a fog, my heartrate is elevated, and I still can't breathe through my nose.

We have a birthday party to attend tomorrow and I need to feel better...we haven't even gotten a gift yet since I've been sickly.

Being sick is also depressing. I don't like being holed up in my bedroom while hubby takes care of the kids. I don't feel like putting on real clothes or make up or fixing my hair. One good thing about being in bed so much is I've been reading. My mom got me a book the other day that takes a Christian look at how your relationship with your mother affects your entire life. It's pretty good so far!

It's been a nice little "veg out" kind of night around here. The kids are being good, getting along, and playing games. We're all just hanging out and I love it...nothing to stress us, nowhere we have to be, just spending time together.

Well...guess I'll hop off here and take my night time meds and hope that I'm even better tomorrow.

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