Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Figuring things out

I'm proud to report today was a pretty "normal" day. Hubby was back in OKC today so it was just me and the kiddos. LJ got more for breakfast today than a honey bun and the lunch I sent with him was big and nutritious...yay!!!

I spent the afternoon working on church paperwork and planning out our next few memory verses.

We had several more kiddos in class tonight and they were all so excited to start memorizing their verses. I have promised them an ice cream party at the end of the month if they all get all four verses memorized. If it goes over well, we may have to do it next month too!

I'm getting a little nervous...I'm going to the OB tomorrow. I'm hoping to get the ball rolling on figuring out why I have no energy, no desire to get out of bed, and...shhhh...very low sex drive. I've been on zoloft for several years and on because of pregnancies, etc...because I'm just kind of weepy. Then, about a year ago I told my regular doctor about the lack of energy, etc. and he put me on wellbutrin. I was able to tell a difference in the energy level for a while, but then it slacked off. He did some blood work and told me I was low on vitamin D, which affects energy and I now take over the counter vitamins everyday. I was recently talking to a friend of mine who had experienced similar symtoms and she suggested having my testosterone checked. I didn't even realize women even needed that, but apparently it affects our body too and can really mess things up. I'm hoping my OB will do some blood work or something to help me get things figured out. I know I have the desire to do and be better, but then each day I just don''s like I'm stuck and can't get going.

I can't wait to see what she has to say, and I've got plans to some organizing tomorrow since hubby will be off. Until tomorrow!

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