Monday, January 14, 2013

I'm back

Well...I've been a little MIA on this blog for a few days. I decided I'd better start "blogging" to my husband a little more. We had to have a little sit down and communicate weekend. I find myself lost in my role of mother sometimes I think, and I forget that I'm a wife also. I get so wrapped up in taking care of, picking up after, and chasing these kids that I don't take the time to slow down, love on, and talk to my husband.

I'm feeling a little more back to myself now and I had a few moments, so I figured I'd sit down and type a while. Since I've been away from the computer I got my tree down...yay! I finally got tired of looking at it, and my living room a mess and I didn't want to clean up AROUND it one more time! Now I keep finding little ornaments Miss E has hidden strategically throughout the house...oh well...all the boxes are still in the mudroom...but at least I made a little progress.

I'm still extremely sleepy. I don't know if my body is trying to fight something off, or if I'm just lazy. Lazy I think. But when I went to the OB she suggested having my B12 checked...still haven't heard from lab, but I think I will start taking some just in case. Couldn't hurt. the last few days we've started planning a spring break trip. A friend had asked us to go to Universal Studios with her family, and that sounds GREAT...I would love to, but we decided we really shouldn't spend that kind of money that particular time of year. After some brainstorming we decided to go down to Beavers Bend and rent a cabin. We invited that friend and her family, and also my very bestest friend and her family. It is going to be so very fun! Our cabin is beautiful and the kids are going to love it!

Well...I think I'm going to bounce off here for a little laundry switching and get LJ ready for karate. I also have my church ladies meeting/get together tonight...we're drawing for secret pals and I can't wait to see who I get!!!

Until tomorrow...or whenever!

1 comment:

  1. I love you!! And I love reading your very REAL posts. Thanks for sharing!
