Friday, January 4, 2013

Not a complete failure

The headache got the best of me. I took my headache medicine last night before bed...which was way too late to be taking it, so I ended up sleeping until mid afternoon...I know...horrible. So I felt guilty and knew I had to make the best of what was left of the day. It took me a while to get going, but I cleaned the living room, started laundry, cleaned the kids room, cooked supper, cleaned my room, folded and put away laundry...yeah...that all sounds great, but it didn't happen in that order and it did NOT happen that easy.

I sat on my butt until it was nearly time for Ashlyn to go home. One thing you must know about Ashlyn  is she was diagnosed with ADHD a few years ago and if she doesn't take her pills in the morning, it only takes a few hours to see the difference, so by mid afternoon she was more than my nerves could handle and hubby had to be gone for a few hours. Wow...her and LJ were feeding off each other's energy, so I decided it would be best if I buried myself in a TV show with E. Anyway, I finally got up and picked up the toys, shoes and blankets that cluttered the living room (LJ took his toys to his room), and I started the laundry. Since hubby went coyote hunting after dropping her off, cooking supper was not one of my priorities, so it turned out to be a Hamburger Helper and green bean kinda night. I felt a little guilty since it's actually been quite a while since I've COOKED, but when the kids and I sat down to eat I was quickly rewarded when they both cleaned their plates and LJ said it was his favorite! WHEN I was cooking was fun (sarcasm), I had unloaded the dishwasher and was then rinsing what was in the sink to reload it when along came E. She always likes to help, but then brother bear wanted to help and the two of them proceeded to make a HUGE mess with soapy water, so I yelled. I hated it, but I lost it. There I was, trying to cook, trying to clean, and a new mess was being created at the same time. Ugh. So I told them to find something else to do, LJ immediately grabbed up his iPod, this bugged me since his room looked like a tornado had hit it and Ashlyn never offered to help, so I told him no games until the room was clean. Well this was not totally fair since he had so much help destroying it over the last few days. He ran to his room crying and continued to cry until supper was ready. Feeling horrible, I told him to stop worrying and that I would help him and that I was so sorry for yelling and then we talked about why I got so mad. After supper we clean his and his sister's room and got pj's on and played for a while. Then I cleaned the other rooms and folded the laundry when hubby got home.

I didn't have my shake today, I haven't worked out, though I do plan to before I go to bed. I yelled at my kids, I have barely seen my husband today, but I made up with my kids and I plan to spend the next few hours cuddling with my hubby. Tomorrow is a new day and I'm going to make the best of it.

I also realized I had been forgetting to talk about what we're praying for each day. Let me catch up. The first day we were praying for my sister. She took her state cosmotology board the next day. The second day I found out on facebook that one of my good friends from high school had lost his mother. The third day my best friend was headed back to work after Christmas break. Today I'm going to be selfish and pray for myself and these goals of mine.

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