Monday, January 28, 2013

Don't Wanna Jinks It...

Holy cow...I can not believe it was like 75 degrees today...January 28!!! Crazy! Don't get me wrong...I love it, it's just so weird. Since it was so nice today I worked a little outside. We still had a deflated santa, a moving deer, and some lights out in the front yard, so I got out there and took all of that down and put back in the garage. The backyard was a everywhere, so E and I got out there and cleaned that all up. Then when LJ got home I was so glad they got to go outside and play for a while before karate.

Speaking of karate, LJ loves going there and I love that he gets the extra excersise. That's why I had put Miss E in dance. She seemed to like it for a while, but here lately it has just become a huge struggle and I leave there wanting to scream. She doesn't do anything she's supposed to be doing and just runs around crazy. I thought she would really get into it because she loved the tap shoes and she does the dance they've been working on at home, but she just won't participate in the class. The last two weeks when it has been time to go she tells me no, so I haven't made her go. I'm wondering if I enroll her in the mommy and me gymnastics class if she'll behave...we did it last year, but she was still pretty small...she's gotten crazier since then!

She also hasn't been wanting to go to MDO. LJ went through a phase like that...I think they get bored. She's the oldest in her class and I just wonder if she can't really play with the other kids in her class. Anyway, I haven't made her go there either because I think she just wants to hang out with me and how can I not let her?!? We've been working on her speech and learning colors and letters, so she's still getting stimulated and we're getting one on one time...I'm thinking maybe we can start working on potty training now too.

Since I've been out of my slump I've really worked my hiney off...even with her here. I've stayed on top of the laundry and dishes, both kids' rooms are clean, my car is clean, my bedroom, and both bathrooms are clean. Ash's room, closet and bathroom are my next project...I've been storing things that need to go to Good Will or consignment in her closet and it has started to get out of control. When everything is caught up though I feel like I can take on projects like that. Just like Friday night...I stayed up all night working in the mudroom, which is also my office. It hasn't been this clean probably since we moved in...5 years ago!  Hubby asked me today if I was on crack! I don't have an explaination of why I have such ups and downs. I know I'm happier when the house is all clean, which in turn means I continue to get more stuff done. Maybe I'm bipolar...I don't know...

LJ used to get allowance and that worked pretty good to get him to help me pick up toys. I put the allowance on hold through December and explained to him all of our money was going toward Christmas presents and he really didn't need to be going to Wal-mart and spending his money on toys during that time anyway. He asked me yesterday when he could get allowance again, so we talked about how he had to work to earn money and tonight we printed out some chore charts. He has several more responsibilities than he used to, but he seemed excited to be doing such big boy jobs. We'll see how it goes!

Now that I made that statement earlier about being bipolar, I'm kind of starting to worry about it...maybe I should read more about it, but I don't feel like my highs and lows go that extreme...

Anyway, I think this is the earliest I've ever blogged and I'm going to take advantage of being done early and get some rest! Until tomorrow...


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