Friday, February 8, 2013

Just One Word

It's Friday! Yay! I took a day for myself today! I went and had a 50 minute massage, in hopes it would ease the tension in my neck that I believe is causing my headaches. It was great, and yes, my neck feels better, but as soon as I left the headache was back! Then, I headed to the salon and tanned...I thought, maybe that warm few minutes would relax me a little bit more and help those muscles. Then, I came back to reality and went to the grocery store! Hahaha!

My thoughts today have to do with one word...sometimes I think if we can focus on one word that really really means something to us we can do great things. Today, the word is GLORY. Everything we do is supposed to be for the glory of God. Everything. There's a good song by Steven Curtis Chapman called Do Everything that explains it well. It's really something to think about, everything that we do within our day needs to be for the glory of God. That means in my normal day, taking care of Ella and Landon and cooking supper for my husband, and cleaning the house for my family and cleaning their clothes...should all be for the glory of God. No matter what you do during your day, everything you do can be done for the glory of God. Thinking about glory can help keep your head screwed on right during your day...maybe even keep you in balance throughout the day. One way to help you keep glory on your mind all day is to make your to do list at night before you go to bed, then pray over each item on that list. Ask God to not only help you complete the tasks, but to make sure it's for his glory, for his kingdom. Anything else has no eternal meaning and does not deserve your time or energy. Then, the next day as you work your way down your to do list pray again over each task. When you keep God right there on top of your list your day is sure to be blessed. Now...I'm not saying I'm perfect at doing this, it's hard. It's hard to keep those happy, good thoughts flowing all day, because we all have bad days. It's hard when you're so totally busy you can't even hardly think at all, but take just a few minutes ever now and then and think about these things. I'm going to work much harder on this for my days...I'm hoping it helps me just a little more to keep my energy up and my temper down.

I don't know if you've ever heard of the Fly Lady, if not, check her out..but one thing she says about house work is it's never too late to start...don't try to catch up, just start where you are...God says the same thing. It doesn't matter where you are, how low you've gotten just start there to get back to where you need to be.

That's about all I have for tonight, tomorrow I'm preparing to have my sisters, their kids, their husbands, and my parents all over for the February Birthdays party. I love to host and I can't wait!

Until tomorrow...


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