Saturday, February 16, 2013

Moving a Little Slow

Well...I've let a few days go by without blogging and I'm sorry, but I'm back tonight and hoping to once again get back on track!

Thursday of this week Landon woke up all stuffy and coughing his head off, so when he cried to me I told him to crawl back in bed. I had an appointment at the chiropractor that day...which, so far, has gotten rid of my headaches! We then spent the afternoon all Valentine's Day ever! We got good news this week that added to the joys of our Valentine's Day...we got a contract on some land we had been looking at! We will be working on selling our house and then we'll close on the new place in May. We will be moving into a little farm house there on the land while we build our home!!! I am so excited! I'm also a little nervous. I'm nervous about things like cabinets and counter tops and paint colors...Alan is nervous about things like payments...yuck! I've told my mom she has to keep me positive about living in the little farmhouse...and you readers have to help me through the building process!

Friday was Landon's Valentine's party at school, so Ella and I attended that and took lots of pictures of the fun they had and then brought him home with us afterward.

The reason I've been away from blogging is because I've been exhausted! I worked late on Landon's Valentines for his class...I did the ones from pinterest that had the kool aid and silly straws...big hit! Then Friday night Landon had a friend over to spend the night. They were so good and went to bed at a decent time, but woke up several times in the night ready to play some more...then it seemed like everytime they settled down Ella would wake up. I slept late this morning since Alan was home, then, since the kids had gotten up so early, we all took a good long nap this afternoon. My house had gotten out of control from just one day of not doing anything in it, so tonight I took the time to clean the kitchen, living room, bathroom, do laundry and dishes, sweep, and vaccum. I'm already ready for bed again...since Sundays always make me sleepy, but becasue of the big nap, the kids are still going strong!

I don't really have any deep thoughts for brain is still pretty mushy, but I had to at least type a little since it had been a few days.

Until tomorrow...


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