Saturday, February 2, 2013

Being an Adult

I'm better! So much better! I was so frustrated because when I went to bed last night I could not quit coughing, which I really hadn't been doing before, so I was aftaid I was getting sicker...I had already taken enough meds to make it to where I couldn't take anything else, so I didn't know what I was going to do. Finally I thought about Miss E having pneumonia just about a month ago and all of that stuff they give you to go with the neubulizer sitting up in the I made my way into the kitchen and also found vapor rub...I lathered my chest, throat and nose up and then gave myself a breathing treatment! I felt kind of funny, but I rested peacefully and woke up almost symptom free!!!

Today was Ash's last basketball game of the season so hubby attended that. The little ones and I stayed home since it was at 9:30am and...well...I'm lazy! LOL! No...really I was up around 9:00, but we had to get ready to go shop and head to the birthday party at 1:00.

The little boy who's party we were going to seems to be a pretty good friend of LJ's and he knew immediately he wanted to get him a basketball or something Thunder. We headed to Hibbett's to avoid Wal-Mart. So...we're looking at all these different kinds of b-balls and I hear this lady on her phone say, "Well, would Jax like a basketball...blah...blah...blah...yeah...I'll get him a basketball." So I'm like shoot! That's the same I politely walk over and explain that I overheard her conversation and that my little boy was wanting to get Jax a basketball. She looks at me with no emotion and says, "Yeah...sorry...that's what we're getting him." Now, she's standing looking at North Face jackets and we are standing in front of the basketballs. Grrrr...a few years ago...before kids I probably would have flown off the handle and really let her have it about how rude she was being and by golly I was getting the ball. Just about that time LJ spots a (really nice) indoor basketball goal...I I say..."Okay bub, we'll get that." I spent about twice as much as I would have originally, but it was a great gift and it WAS last minute and all. Not to be hateful or little Jax wanted to open up OUR gift right then and play with it! Score!

Being at the party I felt like an insecure junior high girl. I don't know if it's because I've been out of school (college) 9 years and out of the work world for 6 years, but I think I'm becoming socially akward. Like, all of these girls (women) who are parents of kids in LJ's class, who I see on a somewhat regular basis, are all visiting with each other, and making friends, and I feel like I'm hanging out with my E...LJ ditched us as soon as we got there. Now, the mama of birthday boy and I have know each other for years, her sister too, so I felt comfortable around them, but it just really made me think about myself. And you today's society you really don't have to have very good social skills. We are friends with people we never see and barely know anything about on facebook and feel like we talk to them, look at pictures of their kids send them smiley faces and give them our opinions just whenever, but if we saw them at Wal-Mart we would probably just shoot them an uncomfortable glance. Am I the only one who feels this way? I don't know...anyway, I warmed up towards the end of the party, but it just really made me think. I have my little group that I feel comfortable with and know I always fit in with them, but why do we have to fit in? Is adult life and high school life really that similar? Ugh...deep thoughts. LOL!

Well, it's beyond midnight and we've only been home about an hour from being out of town with a family friend helping him get some WILD cows to the sale barn and Miss E is STILL awake...getting ready for church in the morning should be a blast!

Until tomorrow...

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