Wednesday, February 27, 2013


Gasp! I'm finally blogging again. Things have been weird. I've been weird. I guess I just need to admit to myself and everyone else that there is just going be a week out of every month that I'm going to be...not myself. "Duh!" says most women reading this, but wait...I have an IUD, and I don't have...ewww...periods. I have a day or two that I may spot a little bit, but that's about it. But even that really does something to me. I get insanely exhausted and have absolutely no motivation to do anything. I feel so guilty when I get that way. I WANT to get up and do something, but I just DON'T. I apolgize to my children and to my husband because I feel like a failure during this time, which in turn sends me into a tad bit of depression. I'm wondering if it's not time to get rid of the IUD. I'm sure that probably has something to do with the nasty headaches I get. Anyway, I had a few days like that this past week and first part of this week, then I got sick...yucky sick...thought I was dying sick! I went Sunday and got a prescription and I'm doing much better. I got my mojo back yesterday and caught my household back up today. I'm just so thankful it didn't last any longer. I looked back at my last post and I know my hatefulness was related to that and the fact that I was getting very sick. Sorry for venting!

Anyway, I celebrated my 30th birthday in bed, but it was much needed rest and I know that's what made me feel better.

I'm laying in bed typing tonight because this seems to be the place that all of my ideas pop into my know...when I'm supposed to be SLEEPING. Alan used to tell me there was like a button in my head and when I laid it on the pillow I flipped my on switch and started talking...about everything. LOL! Anyway, the last two nights I've found it hard to sleep, and not just because I've slept all day! I lay down and I realize just how much is going on from now until the end of the year. I know that time goes by faster the older we get, and this is going to be the fastest year ever! Starting in March, we have our spring break trip with friends that is much needed, Landon's birthday party, Easter, beginning soccer practice, beginning t-ball practice, then soccer games, t-ball games, summer fun...much welcomed, selling our house, closing on our land, moving, adjusting to a temporary home, breaking ground, building a house, Ella's birthday party, a new baby in the family, Thanksgiving, Christmas, moving into our new home...oh, my goodness!!! Then add in all the usual duties and activities. I'm going to need to stay in the Word, in prayer, and have lots of support from friends and family. I know this is LIFE, but when you lay it all out there it just sure sounds like alot. I  think about all those things and think about how weak I am, but at the same time I remind myself who is strong, who can handle it all, who tells me I don't have to do it all alone, husband, yes, but even stronger than Lord. Knowing that he will take those burdens and give me the strength I need to get through makes me smile. I know His way is perfect and even when I think things are going wrong, as long as I give it all to him, his will shall be done. He makes all things good. If I can keep that perspective I'll survive. I was hoping to lose some weight before summer...maybe the stress will take it off of me!

Well, I think that's enough rambling for tonight. I've gotten caught up and if I stay up much later I will get behind tomorrow.


Saturday, February 23, 2013


-Sorry! I'm slacking again...this whole week was a whole bunch of doing nothing! Monday-Thursday I did the bare minimum to get by. Hubby had a class in OKC all week and Landon wasn't feeling well, so we were just lazy at home! Thursday night I was informed my husband and two friends had planned a birthday party for me for the next night at our house (I'll be the dirty 30 on Monday). So Friday I did house work and got caught back up.

I wonder sometimes if we expect too much of ourselves and then others pick up on our high expectations for ourself and then they begin to believe we can conquer the world, or if it's the other way around. This is not just a woman thing are that way too. As women we are to live up expectations of our husbands, sisters, mothers, aunts, grandmothers, friends, children, co-workers, bosses and teachers. Men have their wives, brothers, fathers, grandfathers, friends, children, co-workers, bosses and teachers to answer to. If we are not the perfect friend, mother, wife, husband, employee, etc. then it seems we've let someone down and have to explain ourselves. I want to be myself and not explain that. I want to be all that I can be and hopefully those around me will be happy. Just a random thought.

I have had more than one person this week get upset with me because I was not where they wanted me to be when they wanted me to be there...not a responsibility type thing...a leisure type thing...well, I apologize, but my priorities are my husband, children and household. If they are sick, upset, or need attention, that's where I'm going to be. I would hope that you could love me for being dedicated to my family, not expect an apology or explanation and certainly not be ugly to me. Here's something else about me...not very often (almost never) will you see me without one or both (sometimes all 3) of my children. I understand wanting to get away ever now and then...who doesn't...and I know my husband and I need more alone time...but I can NOT just drop my kiddos off on a whim and expect myself to have a good time knowing they are upset or wanting me. I don't have a 9-5 job, I work 24 hours a day and nobody wants a break any more than me, but when I go out to eat, or spend time with church ladies I either have my kids with me or my husband has them, and that last one happens very seldom due to his schedule. It's exhausting and I complain about it sometimes, but they are babies...they need me, and I need to be there for them. They depend on me more than any other human and that makes me feel pretty darn important.

Another random thought I've had this week is about people who starve for attention. We see kids like this all the time, but why do adults act like that? Why do they embellish everything that comes out of their mouth so that we will listen to them?

Geez...I'm sounding really ugly tonight...I think it's time to go bed...just a little frustrated I guess. Everybody gets their grumpy day right? Here's my apology!

Until tomorrow!


Saturday, February 16, 2013

Moving a Little Slow

Well...I've let a few days go by without blogging and I'm sorry, but I'm back tonight and hoping to once again get back on track!

Thursday of this week Landon woke up all stuffy and coughing his head off, so when he cried to me I told him to crawl back in bed. I had an appointment at the chiropractor that day...which, so far, has gotten rid of my headaches! We then spent the afternoon all Valentine's Day ever! We got good news this week that added to the joys of our Valentine's Day...we got a contract on some land we had been looking at! We will be working on selling our house and then we'll close on the new place in May. We will be moving into a little farm house there on the land while we build our home!!! I am so excited! I'm also a little nervous. I'm nervous about things like cabinets and counter tops and paint colors...Alan is nervous about things like payments...yuck! I've told my mom she has to keep me positive about living in the little farmhouse...and you readers have to help me through the building process!

Friday was Landon's Valentine's party at school, so Ella and I attended that and took lots of pictures of the fun they had and then brought him home with us afterward.

The reason I've been away from blogging is because I've been exhausted! I worked late on Landon's Valentines for his class...I did the ones from pinterest that had the kool aid and silly straws...big hit! Then Friday night Landon had a friend over to spend the night. They were so good and went to bed at a decent time, but woke up several times in the night ready to play some more...then it seemed like everytime they settled down Ella would wake up. I slept late this morning since Alan was home, then, since the kids had gotten up so early, we all took a good long nap this afternoon. My house had gotten out of control from just one day of not doing anything in it, so tonight I took the time to clean the kitchen, living room, bathroom, do laundry and dishes, sweep, and vaccum. I'm already ready for bed again...since Sundays always make me sleepy, but becasue of the big nap, the kids are still going strong!

I don't really have any deep thoughts for brain is still pretty mushy, but I had to at least type a little since it had been a few days.

Until tomorrow...


Monday, February 11, 2013

Making progress

Hey all! I didn't blog Saturday night because we had company late after our little birthday party, which went great. Like I said, I love to host, especially when it's my parents, sisters, and all the kiddos! We ate, and ate, and ate, and the kids played, and played, and played. Then Sunday we were all exhausted by bedtime and I crashed out before I cold even sit down with the laptop!

But here we are...Monday! Monday was a LAZY day for me. Ella and I stayed in my bed watching Nick Jr until about noon, then we took a nap! Today was karate, so after school we came home and just vegged out until time to go. When we got home I fixed a quick and easy dinner and then we played a while before the kiddos' bedtime. My poor hubby is STILL working on paperwork from last week. I'm just hoping the next few days are good to him so he can get caught up.

I don't want to speak too soon, or sound like I'm tootin' my own horn, but I feel like I have come a long way on two of my goals. I feel very close to my husband right now. I feel like I've learned to speak his love language and keep communication open. Felt like it had shut down there for a we were just kind of here, loving each other, but a little distant. I'm doing more for him, and with him, and I feel like we are both happier right now than we've been in several years. The other thing I feel like I've mastered is maintaining my house. For what ever reason I LOVE laundry these days. I love having empty hampers and full drawers. I love the way my house smells while it's all going. And since Ella has been staying home with me she is learning to help with laundry too and she loves it! I am keeping my kitchen clean, which is usually the dirtiest part of my house. My goal every night is to not have any dirty dishes in the sink when I go to bed. This is challenging because you really have to stay on top of switching over the dishwasher, which is always my least favorite thing to do...I don't know why. We have one of those big long bars in our kitchen that is our catch all when we come in from the garage. I have made it my goal to take about 5 minutes everyday to sort through whatever has been tossed up there and put it where it belongs or throw it away. I have been wiping down the table and sweeping the floor every night after supper too. The kids' are doing great with their chore charts and keeping up with things like dirty clothes and toys. Landon, being my little genuis has memorized what is on his chart and makes sure he's done it all by bedtime. Ella is becoming quite a little mommy and she just likes helping me do whatever I'm doing. One thing we are still having to work on is, when taking toys from the living room back to the bedroom, putting them away instead of just dropping them  in the doorway. Ella is still not quite old enough to really CLEAN her room, but I'm trying hard to help her realize that all of her toys have spots and she needs to put them back in their spots. I've decided that Landon is responsible for his room unless he has friends over and then I will help him clean it up one day a week. I found some Scrubbing Bubbles flushable disinfecting wipes which are great for quick maintaince on the bathroom counters, and of course, Ella loves them, so we wipe those down and swish the toilets a couple of times a week. I find an easy way for just quickly cleaning the toilet is to keep some kind of cleaner down in the little toilet brush holder thingy, then you can just grab it, swish it and be done! I used to have a real problem keeping sheets clean...I would take them off the bed, put clean ones on and then pile the dirty ones somewhere until they were eventually all dirty. Not anymore! They are all clean, all blankets are clean and I'm changing sheets once a week.

Now, I'm sure some of you are reading this and going..."okay, lady, isn't this just what you're supposed to do," I mean, I AM a stay at home mom...but let me tell you, when you get behind, just one or two days, it's overwhelming where to start...let alone if it's been weeks or months since you;ve done some of this stuff. Now, I'm not saying I didn't clean my house for months, I'm talking about EVERYTHING being clean all at the same time...and not just when you know you're having company. Then you have to take into consideration a crazy hubby schedule, karate, dance, gymnastics, ballgames, church, Scentsy, birthday parties, shows, blah, blah, blah. I've laughed before and said that I really don't think I have time to have a job. I know, I would make a schedule and it would all work, but I love being with my kiddos and teaching them and being there when I need to be.

With all of that being said, I told you early on that February was a busy month because of all the birthdays, Valentines, etc. Well, that brings up another one of those goals that I need to work on that is starring me in the face tonight...I want to make Landon's Valentine's for his party which is Friday. I already have them picked out, and part of the supplies, but I have to go to Scraptopia (local scrapbooking store) to complete them. Today was the day I should have done that. Hubby was gone with one of his buddies this morning until about noon, then, like I said, sister and I took a nap. Then he went to work between 2 and 3. Tomorrow he will go to work at noon, they don't open until 10...I'm hoping I can get there and get done and back home in time. Maybe I should just MAKE Ella go back to school because of things like that. I also have to prepare Valentines for my little church kiddos, my kiddos, my hubby, grandparents, teachers and secret sister. I also have a Scentsy order I need to place, and a treasurer's report to get done. We also have a realtor coming to see our house on Wednesday afternoon. When am I supposed to do all of that, with Ella in tow? Ugh! Time management is what I'm talking about and I stink at it!

Well, since I'm preaching about time management and how busy I am this week I think I should go to bed since it's almost 1am!

Until tomorrow...


Friday, February 8, 2013

Just One Word

It's Friday! Yay! I took a day for myself today! I went and had a 50 minute massage, in hopes it would ease the tension in my neck that I believe is causing my headaches. It was great, and yes, my neck feels better, but as soon as I left the headache was back! Then, I headed to the salon and tanned...I thought, maybe that warm few minutes would relax me a little bit more and help those muscles. Then, I came back to reality and went to the grocery store! Hahaha!

My thoughts today have to do with one word...sometimes I think if we can focus on one word that really really means something to us we can do great things. Today, the word is GLORY. Everything we do is supposed to be for the glory of God. Everything. There's a good song by Steven Curtis Chapman called Do Everything that explains it well. It's really something to think about, everything that we do within our day needs to be for the glory of God. That means in my normal day, taking care of Ella and Landon and cooking supper for my husband, and cleaning the house for my family and cleaning their clothes...should all be for the glory of God. No matter what you do during your day, everything you do can be done for the glory of God. Thinking about glory can help keep your head screwed on right during your day...maybe even keep you in balance throughout the day. One way to help you keep glory on your mind all day is to make your to do list at night before you go to bed, then pray over each item on that list. Ask God to not only help you complete the tasks, but to make sure it's for his glory, for his kingdom. Anything else has no eternal meaning and does not deserve your time or energy. Then, the next day as you work your way down your to do list pray again over each task. When you keep God right there on top of your list your day is sure to be blessed. Now...I'm not saying I'm perfect at doing this, it's hard. It's hard to keep those happy, good thoughts flowing all day, because we all have bad days. It's hard when you're so totally busy you can't even hardly think at all, but take just a few minutes ever now and then and think about these things. I'm going to work much harder on this for my days...I'm hoping it helps me just a little more to keep my energy up and my temper down.

I don't know if you've ever heard of the Fly Lady, if not, check her out..but one thing she says about house work is it's never too late to start...don't try to catch up, just start where you are...God says the same thing. It doesn't matter where you are, how low you've gotten just start there to get back to where you need to be.

That's about all I have for tonight, tomorrow I'm preparing to have my sisters, their kids, their husbands, and my parents all over for the February Birthdays party. I love to host and I can't wait!

Until tomorrow...


Thursday, February 7, 2013

Hard Day at Work?

I HATE when my hubby gets called into middle of the night kinda stuff. But when it's to work a wreck on someone you know it really stinks. He already had several wrecks this week that required lots of paperwork, and this one today was a doozy. We're praying for their family.

Today was weird. Seems like it went by really fast. After we dropped Landon off, sister and I came home and washed those dishes we left in the sink last night. We folded the clothes that were in the dryer and did another couple of loads and then it was naptime, and yes...I napped! We also took time this afternoon to call and have a single rose and birthday balloon sent to our sweet Ashlyn...she's now a big 12 year old! We had to pick bubba up a little early from school today for a dentist appointment. It was supposed to be sister's first day of gymnastics, but it took so long at the dentist we didn't get to go.

When we got home I of course had one of my killer headaches...they show up at about 3pm everyday. I don't understand! Anyway, we had friends stop by and then more friends bring food. It was a good evening to end a really bad week of work for my was his Friday. No day is just particularly great in the life of a State Trooper, but today was extremely stressful and IT was just icing on the cake. I love my husband and I'm so very proud of him. I'm proud to be a Trooper's Wife!

Today, there's been alot on my neccessarily just a whole lot I should put in my blog at this time, I know you will understand. I hate that this makes two nights in a row there hasn't been any deep thoughts put into this blog, but my brain is about ready to shut down.

Until tomorrow...

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Seasonal Depression

This foggy dreary weather is so depressing! Ugh. I certainly suffered today because of it. I wanted to stay in bed and ended up being late dropping Landon off. I took Ella in to see the doctor because of the pain she was having last night with her ear. She does have an ear infection and sinus drainage. 

The pharmacies in ths town leave something to be desired and so does the insurance we have. See...see what I mean...I blame the weather for my negative attitude! 

I also have a horrible migraine so I think I will crawl in bed and start over tomorrow. There are dishes in the sink, but maybe I'll feel better in the morning. 

So sorry for the short post, but I didn't want to skip a day!


Tuesday, February 5, 2013

It wasn't built in a day...

I had to post last night's post tonight because my internet was not working properly last night.

Today was pretty uneventful. We didn't have water for a long time because of some leak out this way and then the electricity went out for a bit. Crazy!

The kids and I ran errands, grabbed a snack, picked up an extra kid, and came home. They played for several hours and we all ate dinner that Alan brought home.

I don't really have a lot of deep thoughts for tonight. I'm worried about my Ella. Earlier tonight she was playing...having a good time, and then all of a sudden she was screaming in pain and holding her ear. I called the doctor and he recommended ibuprophen and tussinex. She was fine when she went to bed, but you know how sickness always gets worse in the night.

One other thing on my mind...Alan is getting ready to attend a 2 week size and weight school. Size and weight is the division of the highway patrol that you see driving the suv pulling over big trucks. He has been on the road for 12 years and he thinks he's ready for a change. Once he finishes this school there's no guarantee that they will open up a position in any particular place at any particular time, but it sure would be nice. It would be a raise in pay, a normal schedule, and more independence. It would be a little sad for him to not be on the road anymore, but I look at it as a new chapter in our life. It could be bring about some great things.

We also heard about another place that may be coming up for sale....I think we have about 3 still in the possibilities list. I really want a place we can build on. We did the whole remodel thing with this house and I don't ever want to do that again!

One thing that the two things above have in common is they both make me very impatient. I have a problem with, once we're talking about something, I want to see it happen...I want instant gratification, I want to see results. This is something I'm working on, and I know I'm better than I used to be, but just thinking about what things could be like makes me anxious.

I know, however, that life is great here in the present and we do have a hopeful future and that's all that matters.

My little princess is calling for me...please pray we get some rest tonight and can get into the doctor tomorrow.


Oh my! My sinuses are EVIL! I thought I was better over the weekend and I took my last antibiotic on Sunday, but this morning I woke up and all of that pressure and pain had shifted over to the other side! Pain in my eye, my teeth, my jaw, my nose, and one killer headache! If you're suffering from sinus pain, let me say, Musinex D is a miracle drug! It kept me going through the day even though I felt like going back to bed and covering up my head!

Although I did alot of sitting in my chair today, I did manage to do one load of laundry, change the sheets on my bed, pay bills, pick Landon up from school, take him to karate, go to the grocery store, and cook supper! Then, to my surprise my darling children worked together and helped me pick up the toys from today, clean up the kitchen and get everything ready for school tomorrow. Bedtime was somewhat easy too. Ella fell asleep quicker than she has in a while and Landon fell asleep on the couch! I know that my prayers for help and strength is what is getting me through. The power of prayer is amazing and God hears you even when you're simply asking for help cleaning your house!

I got really chatty this evening and had two good, long phone conversations with my two best friends. I don't do that often enough. I don't know about you, but with texts, email, and social media, I don't think we TALK enough anymore. That's true conversation...true communication. It's hard to really express your feelings through typing messages. I like having those special girls I can talk to about anything!

One of my conversations tonight was about being a step-parent. Let me be the first to tell you, that was an extremely hard transition for me to make. I thought I had it all figured out when we were dating, but it was way different when we got married. It was hard for me to find my figure out if I was a mother figure, a friend figure, or kind of like an aunt. I didn't always agree with the way her mother parented and that was hard. Now that I have children I regret alot of things I did when we first got married. Then I went through a really rough patch when I couldn't stop thinking about my husband being married to HER. She is so completely different than me and at the time I really didn't like her. Not for any particular reason, just because. It was so weird for me. I asked him questions I didn't need to know the answers to. I imagined things I never needed to think about. All of that made me resent her for things she had no control over. I was mean to her. I did things out of spite. I was in a really bad place. Over time, and some maturing, I have realized many things that brought me out of that terrible spot and I'm so thankful now for the relationship I am able to have with my step-daughter's mother. The best explantion is this: Alan married young, they grew up, they grew apart. They were not happy. He was not speaking her love language and she did what she had to do to make herself happy. It was also hard for a while because we have joint custody because of Alan's schedule. That means we had her every day that Alan was ever off. To me, that was not fair to Landon. There was no one on one time with him. He was just a baby. I felt like as a girl, she needed to be settled, have a HOME and I felt like it should be with her mother. After Ella was born Alan decided we needed to change the way things were done. Of course Ashlyn is getting older and that makes a difference too, but our relationship with the ex is so great that we are able to get her whenever we need her, for special events and holidays and then every other weekend (Alan's weekends). If that doesn't work for someone, it's fine, we move on. No fussing, no fighting...Ash pretty much comes and goes back and forth as she pleases. Everyone is much happier. Ashlyn is even much healthier because of it. The way she was swished around back and forth before made her a very uncomfortable child. It was hard. She's so much better adjusted and we all get along so much better. She's even getting to where she is like a caregiver for the little kids, where as before she acted like they had cooties! She is such a good kid. She makes good grades, she's never in trouble, she's talented and smart. She is so extremely sweet... but she is growing up way too fast!!!

Well, there's my deep thoughts for tonight. Guess I better go to bed. Miss Ella and I will probably run a few errands tomorrow, unless I wake up feeling like I did this morning!

Until tomorrow...


Sunday, February 3, 2013


Today was a beautiful day!!! I love days like today and it's so weird that we're getting so many like this in winter! But, like my mood here lately...I will take it!!!

Today, Sunday, of course, we were in church. I absolutely love our praise and worship band. I have always loved music, but there is just so much emotion and feeling that come out when singing praises to our Heavenly Father. I love that I can look down at Landon (I've decided to just go ahead and use names) and see him singing the songs too! I believe that child is going to have a musical talent...but that's another story.

 Alan leaned over to me to today and said something very thought provoking today. He said, "There's no telling where we would be now if it wasn't for this little church." Oh my goodness. I remember like it was yesterday the day we decided to find a church home.

I grew up in church. My mother and I attended Sunday mornings, I went to AWANAS, I went to youth group...I loved church...I was saved at an early age. However, when I started college I slowly slipped away from those roots. I, like many college kids had my "wild and crazy days." Thank God I never found myself in a sever car wreck, bar fight, or jail...even though I forgot about God, he never forgot about me! That is a testimony to his unending love and grace for us! Anyway, Alan and I had been married a little over a year, and Landon was not quite a year old, and whether it was hormones, or just God shouting at me, I was a very unhappy person. I was angry, I was bitter, I spoke my mind, and picked alot of fights. My sweet husband wanted the old me back. I saw my doctor, got back on my anti-depressants, but nothing really seemed to change. One of our neighbors continuously asked Alan for us to join him at his church. A friend of mine, who, at the time attended the same church, was also urging me to come with her. Finally, one morning as I stood in the bathroom having a breakdown, Alan just held me and said, "Maybe we should get back in church. Do you think you would find your happiness there?" It hit me like a ton a bricks. Part of me wanted to say, "How dare you...don't judge me..." but a bigger part of me said, "YESSSSSS!"

So, the very next Sunday we visited Legacy Church. Immediately, we felt at home. Everyone was so welcoming...there were even people there we already knew...had known for had I been so long without that companionship and fellowship? Life almost instantly changed. I don't know when, or how, but bam...I was happy. Thank God! For the sake of my marriage, for the sake of my children, thank God! he said, who knows where we would be if it weren't for that little church!

A friend of mine and I were talking one day about questions like that..."what might have been..." That can sometimes cause some problems inside your head if you dwell too much on it. I am just so happy that I know, without a doubt that I married an honest, hardworking, God loving, faithful husband and that we are exactly where we are because of God's love and grace. We have three healthy, beautiful children, even though they try our patience, we have a roof over our head, even though we are constantly looking for another, we have food on the table, even though sometimes it's only scrambled egg sandwiches, we have vehicles to drive, even though there's chocolate milk stains on the roof, and we love each other with all of our hearts.

Today after church we attended a benefit lunch for an elderly man Alan grew up knowing. As we pulled up to the little gym it was being held at we were overwhelmed by the amount of cars in the parking lot. We stepped inside and wow! So many people were there, eating, visiting, and smiling. It was wonderful. There was a ton of food and lots of items being auctioned off, all to benefit this man who had obviously impacted all of these people in one way or another. How special is that?!?! Events like that will spark another question in your mind that I think we shouldn't dwell on...what would it be like if it were me. And, once again, maybe I'm the only morbid one who thinks like this, but probably not. We've probably all been to a funeral where there was standing room only and so many people stood up to have so many nice things to say about the deceased and thought to ourselves, "What if it was me? How many people would come to my funeral? What would they say about me?" I decided back in the sixth grade when my aunt was killed in Murrah Bombing that I wanted to leave a legacy like her's. So many times I heard, "She was friends with everyone...she was always smiling." Well...that's hard to do! Then, another funeral, I had the thought again, because they talked about how great the woman was at raising her children in the Word. I'm trying! Anyway, today I thought to myself, what would people do if it were me? What if I was sick and had costly medical bills? Would they turn their head and say oh well, or would they pull together, put something like that together and all gather in honor of me, trying to help out?

Now, I'm not saying I want to be nice to people and fake a smile to make people like me so that lots of people will come to my funeral or help pay my medical bills. I'm just saying, I hope and pray that I'm that kind of person...the kind of person people love and actually have great memories of. I want to strive for postive-ness, in my life, my marriage, my home, and my children.

Wow...I had some deep thoughts again tonight. I think it's time for me to rest my brain...tomorrow's MONDAY!!! I can't wait to see what it brings...bill paying for one I know...yuck!

Until tomorrow...


Saturday, February 2, 2013

Being an Adult

I'm better! So much better! I was so frustrated because when I went to bed last night I could not quit coughing, which I really hadn't been doing before, so I was aftaid I was getting sicker...I had already taken enough meds to make it to where I couldn't take anything else, so I didn't know what I was going to do. Finally I thought about Miss E having pneumonia just about a month ago and all of that stuff they give you to go with the neubulizer sitting up in the I made my way into the kitchen and also found vapor rub...I lathered my chest, throat and nose up and then gave myself a breathing treatment! I felt kind of funny, but I rested peacefully and woke up almost symptom free!!!

Today was Ash's last basketball game of the season so hubby attended that. The little ones and I stayed home since it was at 9:30am and...well...I'm lazy! LOL! No...really I was up around 9:00, but we had to get ready to go shop and head to the birthday party at 1:00.

The little boy who's party we were going to seems to be a pretty good friend of LJ's and he knew immediately he wanted to get him a basketball or something Thunder. We headed to Hibbett's to avoid Wal-Mart. So...we're looking at all these different kinds of b-balls and I hear this lady on her phone say, "Well, would Jax like a basketball...blah...blah...blah...yeah...I'll get him a basketball." So I'm like shoot! That's the same I politely walk over and explain that I overheard her conversation and that my little boy was wanting to get Jax a basketball. She looks at me with no emotion and says, "Yeah...sorry...that's what we're getting him." Now, she's standing looking at North Face jackets and we are standing in front of the basketballs. Grrrr...a few years ago...before kids I probably would have flown off the handle and really let her have it about how rude she was being and by golly I was getting the ball. Just about that time LJ spots a (really nice) indoor basketball goal...I I say..."Okay bub, we'll get that." I spent about twice as much as I would have originally, but it was a great gift and it WAS last minute and all. Not to be hateful or little Jax wanted to open up OUR gift right then and play with it! Score!

Being at the party I felt like an insecure junior high girl. I don't know if it's because I've been out of school (college) 9 years and out of the work world for 6 years, but I think I'm becoming socially akward. Like, all of these girls (women) who are parents of kids in LJ's class, who I see on a somewhat regular basis, are all visiting with each other, and making friends, and I feel like I'm hanging out with my E...LJ ditched us as soon as we got there. Now, the mama of birthday boy and I have know each other for years, her sister too, so I felt comfortable around them, but it just really made me think about myself. And you today's society you really don't have to have very good social skills. We are friends with people we never see and barely know anything about on facebook and feel like we talk to them, look at pictures of their kids send them smiley faces and give them our opinions just whenever, but if we saw them at Wal-Mart we would probably just shoot them an uncomfortable glance. Am I the only one who feels this way? I don't know...anyway, I warmed up towards the end of the party, but it just really made me think. I have my little group that I feel comfortable with and know I always fit in with them, but why do we have to fit in? Is adult life and high school life really that similar? Ugh...deep thoughts. LOL!

Well, it's beyond midnight and we've only been home about an hour from being out of town with a family friend helping him get some WILD cows to the sale barn and Miss E is STILL awake...getting ready for church in the morning should be a blast!

Until tomorrow...

Friday, February 1, 2013

On The Mend...I Think

Today was another day of rest for me. I slept until about 11am! Hubby cooked "brunch" and then took little sister to get feed (livestock), and pick up brother. I took a shower, did a few loads of laundry and changed the sheets, then I went back to bed because all of that made me feel like I had just ran a marathon. I was really wanting to mop my kitchen because it had little spots on it, so after my nap I did floors and rugs...once again, that WORE ME OUT.

I'm so ready for this feeling to go away. I hate when you have a cold, first you are sick from the cold, then it's like you're sick from the cold head is in a fog, my heartrate is elevated, and I still can't breathe through my nose.

We have a birthday party to attend tomorrow and I need to feel better...we haven't even gotten a gift yet since I've been sickly.

Being sick is also depressing. I don't like being holed up in my bedroom while hubby takes care of the kids. I don't feel like putting on real clothes or make up or fixing my hair. One good thing about being in bed so much is I've been reading. My mom got me a book the other day that takes a Christian look at how your relationship with your mother affects your entire life. It's pretty good so far!

It's been a nice little "veg out" kind of night around here. The kids are being good, getting along, and playing games. We're all just hanging out and I love it...nothing to stress us, nowhere we have to be, just spending time together.

Well...guess I'll hop off here and take my night time meds and hope that I'm even better tomorrow.