Thursday, August 1, 2013

Not Because You Told Me To

Well hello there! I guess I took the summer off...that's my excuse anyway. But the last week or so I've had lots of blog subjects pop into my head. So I decided last week that August 1 I would get back into it. I

So, here I am. August 1...My parents' anniversary...32 years of marriage deserves a shout out!

Let's see, I guess I'll take today to just catch up. Most of May and June was spent playing t-ball. I think baseball is my favorite thing about being a mom to an active little boy. I loved watching baseball in high school and I really hope he continues to play and get better and better. We had an awesome team of kiddos this summer and they played so good! We're getting ready now for fall ball and I'm so excited about that too!

July was a super fun month. For starters the family that I was really hoping would buy our house signed a contract. There ARE a few stipulations and I AM getting a little nervous about it, but I'm just praying that all goes well. We spent an entire week at my parents' lake house. Probably my favorite place on earth. I knew it would be extremely hard this summer to really vacation, so that week at the lake was wonderful! Then, I got to go to this year's Scentsy Family Reunion with my very best friend. We had the best time! We road tripped all the way to Indianapolis. We laughed SO much and acted silly, which is what we do best! I love my job and our Scentsy Family and I'm so glad I get to share it all with her now too! Convention, or "Reunion" as it is now called is a big deal for us. We get good training, good motivation, and then new product reveals and free product on top of that! Scentsy is the best company to work for! Then, as one last hoorah before school starts back we took the kids to Andy Alligators and spent a few nights in Norman. They had a blast and we even got some school clothes shopping done!

Now here we are in August. I'm not really sure if I'm ready for school to start. I'm excited for Landon, but I'm also a little sad. I'm also really nervous about all that this month holds for us. Seems to be a trend for me...fill my plate as full as possible without spilling over and then fret about getting it all done. Here's my to do list for now:

1. Legacy Church's 5th Annual School Supply Give Away (August 3)
2. Legacy Church's Vacation Bible School (August 5-9)
3. Latta's Enrollment (August 6)
4. Trustee Meeting @ Church (August 14)
5. Landon's First Day of School (August 15)
6. Get Ella enrolled at Good Sheppard Academy
7. Paint, Carpet, etc at temporary home
8. Close on this house
9. Prepare for BIG MOVING SALE
10. MOVE
11. Start Fall Ball Practices, order uniforms and hats for new players
12.County are showing horses and goats
13. Begin the Building Process!

Anyway, I'm going to stop now because I just feel like I'm whining. Everything on this to do list is a blessing to me and I'm very thankful to have these opportunities and be able to do them. I typed them all out and now I am praying for God's blessing on each of these activities. I pray that he helps me all along the way in all of these activities and that I do them all to the glory of His kingdom. And I also pray that if I ever need to step down or step back from one of these activities and pray a little more before carrying on, that I see that and let Him lead and guide me on.

Well, I hope to begin blogging more and I also hope to learn about blogging  and make my blog better and better. I hope to gain readers and reach out to those who do read. I apologize today didn't really have a good topic, just a lot of babbling, but expect more from me tomorrow!

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