Wednesday, May 8, 2013

It's a miracle!

I have NO idea why I am still up tonight?!?! I hope it doesn't make for a horrible day tomorrow, I am SO ready to be back to version of normal anyway. I have been SO extremely sick! It was the worst cold/sinus/allergy crud I've had yet! I think I'm finally on the mend though and I caught myself up on paperwork and grocery shopping today. I managed pretty well through the sickness on laundry, dishes, and housework. I mean, it's not perfect, but it's tidy and all the laundry and dishes are done! I did a whole lot of sleeping over the last few days. Thank God Alan was around as much as he was and I have good friends and a good mama that will help me when they know I'm dying! One of those days, Alan asked me if I was getting depressed. I was like, "What? Of course I'm depressed...I feel like death." He was worried that because I was staying in bed so much that that meant I was slipping into a depression. It bothers me so bad that it is automatically assumed so quickly that when a woman's body finally slows her down and simply cannot go anymore without stopping for a little bit that she is "depressed." I'm not cranky with Alan, I mean, I'm thankful that he was concerned and had the gumption to ask me about it, but just in general. If a man got sick or whatever and stayed in bed I guess we would probably think there was something horribly wrong with them...but I think my question would be, "Do you have a terminal disease? Do I need to take you to the ER?" LOL! I don't know...just a random thought.

Well, it's May...for some the teachers and the kiddos it seems to be getting very busy. Awards banquets, field trips, finals etc. It actually seems to be slowing down for us. Ah...I shouldn't have said it...crazy things will happen now...but really, I think April was our crazy month. On paper, the next few weeks look to be pretty easy. The biggest thing we have going right now is happening day after tomorrow. Landon will go back up to the Pediatric Dentist in Norman for his big procedure. He will be sedated so that they can fill and cap about 8 cavities. Gah...I hate saying that...8 cavities. It makes me feel like such a failure. It honestly could not have been prevented though...I really believe that. That child has loved to brush his teeth or have them brushed ever since the first one came in...before that really...we had those little rubber things you put on your finger and rub their little gums...he loved it! He even like for us to get those flosser things we use and floss his teeth for him. He was not a bottle baby, he had very little formula...I just don't get it. The worst things he does is yes, chew gum, yes, eat candy (seldom though), and yes, drink apple juice and sports drinks. But seriously, if those things are to blame, I'd hate to see what SOME kids' teeth look like. Anyway, off my rant. His poor little teeth are just all really close together and so they say there's a lot of places that are not actual cavities...just spots they worry about decaying. He does have 2 large cavities on some molars though. I'm really thankful for the advancements they have in dentistry today. I had horrible teeth when I was his age (blamed on the baby bottle), and it was not a pleasant experience ANY time I had to go to the dentist. It's a little scary, but with one visit, they will be able to go in and fix all of the teeth at the same time, no shots, no numbness, and when he wakes up, they say, NO PAIN! I'm just ready for that last part! :)

After my trip to the grocery store today, I'm determined to get us all on a better diet and healthier. I've slowly been bringing healthier foods into our kitchen and of course Alan and I have been on ACE for almost 2 months now, but today, I brought home a few more herbs and vitamins and different fruits and veggies that we're not used to. It's funny because Landon loves fruit but not so much veggies, Ella likes veggies and not so much...well...Ella likes everything! LOL! Speaking of Ella, I hope we don't have to worry too much about her teeth...bless her heart she's got gaps in between nearly all of her's big enough to drive a truck through! Our family dentist says this is a good sign that her grown up teeth will have plenty of room to come in.

Anyway, It's getting later and later, and I'm just rambling. So I'm going to sign off for now, but I leave you with two recipes of some health stuff we'll be trying. I've been drinking for about 2 months now and LOVE!!!

1. Lemon Cucumber Water. I love this and I've been drinking it since before spring break. I found myself feeling dehydrated alot and I knew I wasn't drinking near enough water. When you're taking ACE or most any dietary supplement water is key. So, I saw this metablolism boosting water recipe on pinterest and figured I'd try to spruce my water pitcher up to see if I'd drink it any better and it worked! I drink countless classes of it and if I run out and fail to remake it I notice for sure! Just fill your pitcher up with water, cut up one lemon, one cucumber, and some fresh mint leaves. Let it set in the fridge over night so the water is infused with the flavors. When you get up in the morning and go to take your meds or vitamins, etc. fix ya big ole glass of that and you'll feel the difference in your morning before you're glass is half empty...half full...half tastes really good. Each ingredient does something different for your body and metabolism...I can't remember each one, but google it, pinterest it, look it up, try it, you'll like it!

2. Dr. Oz's 3 day jump start cleanse. I think that's what he called it. Anyway, google this too. I'm starting it tomorrow. Dr. Oz had this other doctor on his show...I think it was April 30. His whole thing was saying that everything that happens to us has something to do with our "gut." I hate that word, but that's the word he used. Things that happen in our brain, even our seretonin levels, our hair, our skin, everything, has to do with what's going on in our stomach! Anyway, it's a shake that you drink in the morning, some vitamins, and a pro-biotic. The pro-biotic will be good for me right now anyway since I've been on anti-biotics. The shake includes: baby spinach, almond milk, blueberries, a banana, and some plant-based protien mix. I'm a little nervous, but I think it'll be really good. I'm not much of a breakfast person, but I like doing the shakes, so I'm hoping I'll like this and make it a routine. I want to go try it right now just typing about it, but I'll wait!

Okay, well, hope I log back on soon and have great things to tell you...until then...

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