Thursday, August 1, 2013

Not Because You Told Me To

Well hello there! I guess I took the summer off...that's my excuse anyway. But the last week or so I've had lots of blog subjects pop into my head. So I decided last week that August 1 I would get back into it. I

So, here I am. August 1...My parents' anniversary...32 years of marriage deserves a shout out!

Let's see, I guess I'll take today to just catch up. Most of May and June was spent playing t-ball. I think baseball is my favorite thing about being a mom to an active little boy. I loved watching baseball in high school and I really hope he continues to play and get better and better. We had an awesome team of kiddos this summer and they played so good! We're getting ready now for fall ball and I'm so excited about that too!

July was a super fun month. For starters the family that I was really hoping would buy our house signed a contract. There ARE a few stipulations and I AM getting a little nervous about it, but I'm just praying that all goes well. We spent an entire week at my parents' lake house. Probably my favorite place on earth. I knew it would be extremely hard this summer to really vacation, so that week at the lake was wonderful! Then, I got to go to this year's Scentsy Family Reunion with my very best friend. We had the best time! We road tripped all the way to Indianapolis. We laughed SO much and acted silly, which is what we do best! I love my job and our Scentsy Family and I'm so glad I get to share it all with her now too! Convention, or "Reunion" as it is now called is a big deal for us. We get good training, good motivation, and then new product reveals and free product on top of that! Scentsy is the best company to work for! Then, as one last hoorah before school starts back we took the kids to Andy Alligators and spent a few nights in Norman. They had a blast and we even got some school clothes shopping done!

Now here we are in August. I'm not really sure if I'm ready for school to start. I'm excited for Landon, but I'm also a little sad. I'm also really nervous about all that this month holds for us. Seems to be a trend for me...fill my plate as full as possible without spilling over and then fret about getting it all done. Here's my to do list for now:

1. Legacy Church's 5th Annual School Supply Give Away (August 3)
2. Legacy Church's Vacation Bible School (August 5-9)
3. Latta's Enrollment (August 6)
4. Trustee Meeting @ Church (August 14)
5. Landon's First Day of School (August 15)
6. Get Ella enrolled at Good Sheppard Academy
7. Paint, Carpet, etc at temporary home
8. Close on this house
9. Prepare for BIG MOVING SALE
10. MOVE
11. Start Fall Ball Practices, order uniforms and hats for new players
12.County are showing horses and goats
13. Begin the Building Process!

Anyway, I'm going to stop now because I just feel like I'm whining. Everything on this to do list is a blessing to me and I'm very thankful to have these opportunities and be able to do them. I typed them all out and now I am praying for God's blessing on each of these activities. I pray that he helps me all along the way in all of these activities and that I do them all to the glory of His kingdom. And I also pray that if I ever need to step down or step back from one of these activities and pray a little more before carrying on, that I see that and let Him lead and guide me on.

Well, I hope to begin blogging more and I also hope to learn about blogging  and make my blog better and better. I hope to gain readers and reach out to those who do read. I apologize today didn't really have a good topic, just a lot of babbling, but expect more from me tomorrow!

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

It's a miracle!

I have NO idea why I am still up tonight?!?! I hope it doesn't make for a horrible day tomorrow, I am SO ready to be back to version of normal anyway. I have been SO extremely sick! It was the worst cold/sinus/allergy crud I've had yet! I think I'm finally on the mend though and I caught myself up on paperwork and grocery shopping today. I managed pretty well through the sickness on laundry, dishes, and housework. I mean, it's not perfect, but it's tidy and all the laundry and dishes are done! I did a whole lot of sleeping over the last few days. Thank God Alan was around as much as he was and I have good friends and a good mama that will help me when they know I'm dying! One of those days, Alan asked me if I was getting depressed. I was like, "What? Of course I'm depressed...I feel like death." He was worried that because I was staying in bed so much that that meant I was slipping into a depression. It bothers me so bad that it is automatically assumed so quickly that when a woman's body finally slows her down and simply cannot go anymore without stopping for a little bit that she is "depressed." I'm not cranky with Alan, I mean, I'm thankful that he was concerned and had the gumption to ask me about it, but just in general. If a man got sick or whatever and stayed in bed I guess we would probably think there was something horribly wrong with them...but I think my question would be, "Do you have a terminal disease? Do I need to take you to the ER?" LOL! I don't know...just a random thought.

Well, it's May...for some the teachers and the kiddos it seems to be getting very busy. Awards banquets, field trips, finals etc. It actually seems to be slowing down for us. Ah...I shouldn't have said it...crazy things will happen now...but really, I think April was our crazy month. On paper, the next few weeks look to be pretty easy. The biggest thing we have going right now is happening day after tomorrow. Landon will go back up to the Pediatric Dentist in Norman for his big procedure. He will be sedated so that they can fill and cap about 8 cavities. Gah...I hate saying that...8 cavities. It makes me feel like such a failure. It honestly could not have been prevented though...I really believe that. That child has loved to brush his teeth or have them brushed ever since the first one came in...before that really...we had those little rubber things you put on your finger and rub their little gums...he loved it! He even like for us to get those flosser things we use and floss his teeth for him. He was not a bottle baby, he had very little formula...I just don't get it. The worst things he does is yes, chew gum, yes, eat candy (seldom though), and yes, drink apple juice and sports drinks. But seriously, if those things are to blame, I'd hate to see what SOME kids' teeth look like. Anyway, off my rant. His poor little teeth are just all really close together and so they say there's a lot of places that are not actual cavities...just spots they worry about decaying. He does have 2 large cavities on some molars though. I'm really thankful for the advancements they have in dentistry today. I had horrible teeth when I was his age (blamed on the baby bottle), and it was not a pleasant experience ANY time I had to go to the dentist. It's a little scary, but with one visit, they will be able to go in and fix all of the teeth at the same time, no shots, no numbness, and when he wakes up, they say, NO PAIN! I'm just ready for that last part! :)

After my trip to the grocery store today, I'm determined to get us all on a better diet and healthier. I've slowly been bringing healthier foods into our kitchen and of course Alan and I have been on ACE for almost 2 months now, but today, I brought home a few more herbs and vitamins and different fruits and veggies that we're not used to. It's funny because Landon loves fruit but not so much veggies, Ella likes veggies and not so much...well...Ella likes everything! LOL! Speaking of Ella, I hope we don't have to worry too much about her teeth...bless her heart she's got gaps in between nearly all of her's big enough to drive a truck through! Our family dentist says this is a good sign that her grown up teeth will have plenty of room to come in.

Anyway, It's getting later and later, and I'm just rambling. So I'm going to sign off for now, but I leave you with two recipes of some health stuff we'll be trying. I've been drinking for about 2 months now and LOVE!!!

1. Lemon Cucumber Water. I love this and I've been drinking it since before spring break. I found myself feeling dehydrated alot and I knew I wasn't drinking near enough water. When you're taking ACE or most any dietary supplement water is key. So, I saw this metablolism boosting water recipe on pinterest and figured I'd try to spruce my water pitcher up to see if I'd drink it any better and it worked! I drink countless classes of it and if I run out and fail to remake it I notice for sure! Just fill your pitcher up with water, cut up one lemon, one cucumber, and some fresh mint leaves. Let it set in the fridge over night so the water is infused with the flavors. When you get up in the morning and go to take your meds or vitamins, etc. fix ya big ole glass of that and you'll feel the difference in your morning before you're glass is half empty...half full...half tastes really good. Each ingredient does something different for your body and metabolism...I can't remember each one, but google it, pinterest it, look it up, try it, you'll like it!

2. Dr. Oz's 3 day jump start cleanse. I think that's what he called it. Anyway, google this too. I'm starting it tomorrow. Dr. Oz had this other doctor on his show...I think it was April 30. His whole thing was saying that everything that happens to us has something to do with our "gut." I hate that word, but that's the word he used. Things that happen in our brain, even our seretonin levels, our hair, our skin, everything, has to do with what's going on in our stomach! Anyway, it's a shake that you drink in the morning, some vitamins, and a pro-biotic. The pro-biotic will be good for me right now anyway since I've been on anti-biotics. The shake includes: baby spinach, almond milk, blueberries, a banana, and some plant-based protien mix. I'm a little nervous, but I think it'll be really good. I'm not much of a breakfast person, but I like doing the shakes, so I'm hoping I'll like this and make it a routine. I want to go try it right now just typing about it, but I'll wait!

Okay, well, hope I log back on soon and have great things to tell you...until then...

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

A lot of pain

April brought a lot of pain to my household and I'm ready to say hello to May and see what she holds in store for us!

We found ourselves a little "over budget" at the end of March because...well...I go overboard on birthday parties and Landon's 5th was no excpetion. We also had our spring break trip in pretty much started April out ALREADY broke! Even when I got my Scentsy pay, it all had places it had to go. I'm selling ACE now too (wonderful product...ask me about it), and that pays really well, but when I put in my bank info for direct deposit I made a typo so I'm still waiting on about $100!

Then we had one hellish week there when everybody seemed to be running in different directions with a million things going on. Dentist appointments, field trips, soccer, tball, gymnastics, karate...just when stress levels were getting high, we lost one of our fur babies...Landon's little guy, Rocky :( We waited about a week and then took him to the animal shelter to let him "adopt" a new baby and so things got a little better around here. Sciut is our new buddy, he's part lab, part beagle and he's beautiful! He has a funny little bark though, lol!

About a week ago, we had a family come and look at our house (Yay! We're getting closer to closing on our land!) We felt really positive about this family. He told Alan he would talk to the bank...aaaand...we haven't heard back from them...that was a real bummer!

Then, the absolute worst heartache I've ever felt hit me over this past weekend. It's crazy...okay...started out when a hose came loose on my washer and flooded my laundry room, kitchen, and living if cleaning up that mess wasn't enough for one day, while I was loading all the laundry into my car, in the garage, MY fur baby, of nearly 8 years,got out in the front. Now...we live really close to a county road that people drive crazy on...anyway...long story short...I had to face the reality that my Rosie girl is gone. I'm pretty sure I literally lost my mind for about 24 hours. That's all I want to say about all that.

Anway...I'm feeling back to myself, just today...seems like I went about 2 weeks there where I had no life in me.  I didn't want to get up, didn't want to clean house, didn't want to fix my hair or put on make-up, didn't want to do anything more than I absolutely had to with my kids...I was grouchy, cranky, and lazy! I'm seriously beginning to think this is all hormone related...I just don't really know. Anyway...I'm going to take advantage of feeling better and tomorrow being the first day of a new exciting month!!!

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Just Keep Swimming

So...I told you several weeks ago I was starting a new book called Early To Rise: A 30 Day Challenge. I encourage you to check it out. Whether you are a stay at home mom like me who needs a little more motivation in her day or a busy work woman who doesn't find enough time in her day for herself, this book is REALLY good!

So far I have not met my challenge for myself, but that's okay, I'm setting goals, I'm learning what will work for me, and I'm getting there. What is really frustrating is that it always seems like someone is trying to stop me from meeting my goal...Satan maybe?

Of course to rise early you must first go to bed early...that rarely happens at our house. Whether it is Alan's busy schedule, the kids' busy schedule, or the night owl in me, I just can't seem to get in bed before midnight!

The author of the book says that with the extra hour or so that you have before everyone else in your house wakes up you should do something for yourself...sit down and have a cup of whatever wakes you up, pray, meditate, have a moment with God, read; whether it be this particular book, the Bible, or something else you are studying, write; make your list for the day, write a blog, write a letter. We all have some form of "art" in us...he says this is the time to use that art.

When I first starting reading the book I thought I would use that extra hour or so to get started on my housework that I can never seem to get done with my little monsters running around, but he says not to focus on that stuff just yet. You are to use that hour for YOU.

Last night I tried really hard to get to bed earlier. I laid down at about 10:30. I read a little bit trying to relax my mind. The book says to do something relaxing before bed, not something that causes you stress or worry. Lots of people watch the news before bed...that causes worry and stress. Anyway, so I'm reading my happy little book and in walks my dear husband starting up a conversation about what all needs to be done to get this house ready to sale. This causes me MUCH worry and stress and this conversation turns into a 45 minute discussion about everything under the sun. Ugh! I got so worked up and stressed out thinking about all of the things going on these next few months and how much money all of that was going to take.

I did eventually roll over and fall asleep, but for absolutely no known reason I was wide awake by 3:15. Now...I want to rise early, but not quite that early! I laid there with a sleepy body and sleepy eyes, but a mind full of busy stuff. At about 4am Landon came to bed with us. I snuggled with him for a little while, got up and got a drink, laid back down, tossed and turned. Then by about 5am Ella joined us. She of course needed more milk and some strange conversation about the fan. I tried to get up once and just go ahead and start my day, but she started crying so I laid back down to keep her from waking  everyone else up. She finally got back into a good sleep by about 6:30 so I came to the living room and picked up the laptop.

I'm not in the habit yet of going to bed early and getting up early, but I've set my goals and I'm working on it. The author encourages readers to publicly post their progress, so I figured I'd use this blog to do so. I really feel like getting into this healthy habit is going to help me reach those goals I sat at the beginning of the year.

I guess I'll move onto another part of my day since my poor son seems to really be struggling with getting dressed this morning...he's so sleepy...gee...I wonder why?!?!

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Get Going!

Yo...haha...I say yo because I'm currently catching up on tonight's American Idol. Oh my goodness I love this year's competition! I will say...Kree Harrison is my pick! And alot of people would think I was crazy, but I love Nicki Minaj...she is so funny and I feel like I could actually be freinds with her, lol!

Well, I was called out again about my blogging tonight...that's what I need sometimes, a good swift kick in the bottom to hold me accountable. And I'm here to admit to you all that I've been pitted out again. What does this to me? I hate it. When describing it to one of my friends she assured me I'm not the only one who feels this way sometimes. Honestly it's a vicious cycle, it starts when I miss just ONE day of my routine, which is horrible because it happens all the time! But if I miss one day of picking up after everyone, doing several loads of laundry, keeping the kitchen clean, etc, I lose it! It all happens so fast. The house gets cluttered, the laundry piles up either needing to be washed, needing to be folded, or needing to be put away. So when the house looks like that I want to stay in my little cave (my bedroom) and not get up. I don't want to come into the living room and see how messy it is. I don't want to step into the kitchen and smell last nights supper still sitting on the stove. I don't want to try to find clothes to put on in my piled up laundry room. I don't want to go into the bathroom to try to put on makeup or fix my hair with dirty pull-ups and pajamas laying in the floor. Then, if on top of that, there are a million things going on that I'm SUPPOSED to be doing it gets even worse. I nearly make myself sick stressing out instead of getting up off my butt and doing something about all of it. I feel like it all just sits on my shoulders and weighs me down and makes me tired to just think about it! The last several weeks have been crammed packed with things going on, things happening around us, and I just got bogged down.

I told you in one of my previous blogs about all that we have going on from now until the end of the year. I wish I could block some of it out and just focus on a week at a time, but so many of those things on my "list" require weeks and weeks of preparation. I'm not saying I have any more on my plate than anyone else, I know I don't, but there's this quality (or defect) about me that makes each one of those things on my "list" seem to be a much bigger deal than they really are. So then I overwhelm myself thinking about them and feeling like I have so much to do. I wish I could capitalize I more than it already is, because I'm trying to emphasize that I feel like I'm doing all on my own. This blog is helping me to realize I'm NOT doing it alone. When I feel overwhelmed all I need to do is stop, take a deep breath and give it to God. Pray about it. He WANTS to help me. He doesn't want me to try to do it all on my own.

Several things are helping me come out of my pit this time.
1. I HAVE to get my house in order, not only to get me back on track, but because spring break is coming and I refuse to go through it in a messy house!
2. My son. I'm telling you, just to see him at school, or a church, or any other activity, you can NOT possibly see how mature he is. He is so smart and observant. He sees me when I'm up and he sees me when I'm down. I want to be better for him!
3. Summer is coming and I want to lose weight like everyone else. I have two best friends who want to lose weight and what a better way to do it than together?!?
4. Our spring break trip is nearly here and that will be a revitalizing trip to help me come back home and carry on with all I need to accomplish.
5. I started a new book called Early To Rise. You should check it out. It's a 30 day challenge to show you how much better you days can be if you just get up out of the bed EARLY. I'm never early for anything and this is about to change. Getting up early is going to help me with house work, weight loss, my spiritual walk, and my ability to be a blessing to others. You have to be healthy physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually to be able to help anyone else. It's okay to help yourself first so that you can be better for others.
6. Plans are coming together quite nicely for Landon's birthday party and that will be a big task off my list.
7. I AM starting an energy supplement. I have to do something to get going!!!

Still on the list:
1. Getting our taxes done ( I know...)
2. T-Ball practice starting, getting our team registered, getting uniforms ordered
3. Soccer practices every Monday and games every Saturday until May
4. Spring Break trip
5. Landon's Birthday party
6. Easter
7. Upcoming consignment sale
8. Selling our home
9. Closing on our new place
10. Moving.
11. Beginning the building process

My eyes are starting to cross from fatigue, so I apologize for any typos, but I can't possibly proof read tonight.

Until tomorrow (or whenever)!

Wednesday, February 27, 2013


Gasp! I'm finally blogging again. Things have been weird. I've been weird. I guess I just need to admit to myself and everyone else that there is just going be a week out of every month that I'm going to be...not myself. "Duh!" says most women reading this, but wait...I have an IUD, and I don't have...ewww...periods. I have a day or two that I may spot a little bit, but that's about it. But even that really does something to me. I get insanely exhausted and have absolutely no motivation to do anything. I feel so guilty when I get that way. I WANT to get up and do something, but I just DON'T. I apolgize to my children and to my husband because I feel like a failure during this time, which in turn sends me into a tad bit of depression. I'm wondering if it's not time to get rid of the IUD. I'm sure that probably has something to do with the nasty headaches I get. Anyway, I had a few days like that this past week and first part of this week, then I got sick...yucky sick...thought I was dying sick! I went Sunday and got a prescription and I'm doing much better. I got my mojo back yesterday and caught my household back up today. I'm just so thankful it didn't last any longer. I looked back at my last post and I know my hatefulness was related to that and the fact that I was getting very sick. Sorry for venting!

Anyway, I celebrated my 30th birthday in bed, but it was much needed rest and I know that's what made me feel better.

I'm laying in bed typing tonight because this seems to be the place that all of my ideas pop into my know...when I'm supposed to be SLEEPING. Alan used to tell me there was like a button in my head and when I laid it on the pillow I flipped my on switch and started talking...about everything. LOL! Anyway, the last two nights I've found it hard to sleep, and not just because I've slept all day! I lay down and I realize just how much is going on from now until the end of the year. I know that time goes by faster the older we get, and this is going to be the fastest year ever! Starting in March, we have our spring break trip with friends that is much needed, Landon's birthday party, Easter, beginning soccer practice, beginning t-ball practice, then soccer games, t-ball games, summer fun...much welcomed, selling our house, closing on our land, moving, adjusting to a temporary home, breaking ground, building a house, Ella's birthday party, a new baby in the family, Thanksgiving, Christmas, moving into our new home...oh, my goodness!!! Then add in all the usual duties and activities. I'm going to need to stay in the Word, in prayer, and have lots of support from friends and family. I know this is LIFE, but when you lay it all out there it just sure sounds like alot. I  think about all those things and think about how weak I am, but at the same time I remind myself who is strong, who can handle it all, who tells me I don't have to do it all alone, husband, yes, but even stronger than Lord. Knowing that he will take those burdens and give me the strength I need to get through makes me smile. I know His way is perfect and even when I think things are going wrong, as long as I give it all to him, his will shall be done. He makes all things good. If I can keep that perspective I'll survive. I was hoping to lose some weight before summer...maybe the stress will take it off of me!

Well, I think that's enough rambling for tonight. I've gotten caught up and if I stay up much later I will get behind tomorrow.


Saturday, February 23, 2013


-Sorry! I'm slacking again...this whole week was a whole bunch of doing nothing! Monday-Thursday I did the bare minimum to get by. Hubby had a class in OKC all week and Landon wasn't feeling well, so we were just lazy at home! Thursday night I was informed my husband and two friends had planned a birthday party for me for the next night at our house (I'll be the dirty 30 on Monday). So Friday I did house work and got caught back up.

I wonder sometimes if we expect too much of ourselves and then others pick up on our high expectations for ourself and then they begin to believe we can conquer the world, or if it's the other way around. This is not just a woman thing are that way too. As women we are to live up expectations of our husbands, sisters, mothers, aunts, grandmothers, friends, children, co-workers, bosses and teachers. Men have their wives, brothers, fathers, grandfathers, friends, children, co-workers, bosses and teachers to answer to. If we are not the perfect friend, mother, wife, husband, employee, etc. then it seems we've let someone down and have to explain ourselves. I want to be myself and not explain that. I want to be all that I can be and hopefully those around me will be happy. Just a random thought.

I have had more than one person this week get upset with me because I was not where they wanted me to be when they wanted me to be there...not a responsibility type thing...a leisure type thing...well, I apologize, but my priorities are my husband, children and household. If they are sick, upset, or need attention, that's where I'm going to be. I would hope that you could love me for being dedicated to my family, not expect an apology or explanation and certainly not be ugly to me. Here's something else about me...not very often (almost never) will you see me without one or both (sometimes all 3) of my children. I understand wanting to get away ever now and then...who doesn't...and I know my husband and I need more alone time...but I can NOT just drop my kiddos off on a whim and expect myself to have a good time knowing they are upset or wanting me. I don't have a 9-5 job, I work 24 hours a day and nobody wants a break any more than me, but when I go out to eat, or spend time with church ladies I either have my kids with me or my husband has them, and that last one happens very seldom due to his schedule. It's exhausting and I complain about it sometimes, but they are babies...they need me, and I need to be there for them. They depend on me more than any other human and that makes me feel pretty darn important.

Another random thought I've had this week is about people who starve for attention. We see kids like this all the time, but why do adults act like that? Why do they embellish everything that comes out of their mouth so that we will listen to them?

Geez...I'm sounding really ugly tonight...I think it's time to go bed...just a little frustrated I guess. Everybody gets their grumpy day right? Here's my apology!

Until tomorrow!
