Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Just Keep Swimming

So...I told you several weeks ago I was starting a new book called Early To Rise: A 30 Day Challenge. I encourage you to check it out. Whether you are a stay at home mom like me who needs a little more motivation in her day or a busy work woman who doesn't find enough time in her day for herself, this book is REALLY good!

So far I have not met my challenge for myself, but that's okay, I'm setting goals, I'm learning what will work for me, and I'm getting there. What is really frustrating is that it always seems like someone is trying to stop me from meeting my goal...Satan maybe?

Of course to rise early you must first go to bed early...that rarely happens at our house. Whether it is Alan's busy schedule, the kids' busy schedule, or the night owl in me, I just can't seem to get in bed before midnight!

The author of the book says that with the extra hour or so that you have before everyone else in your house wakes up you should do something for yourself...sit down and have a cup of whatever wakes you up, pray, meditate, have a moment with God, read; whether it be this particular book, the Bible, or something else you are studying, write; make your list for the day, write a blog, write a letter. We all have some form of "art" in us...he says this is the time to use that art.

When I first starting reading the book I thought I would use that extra hour or so to get started on my housework that I can never seem to get done with my little monsters running around, but he says not to focus on that stuff just yet. You are to use that hour for YOU.

Last night I tried really hard to get to bed earlier. I laid down at about 10:30. I read a little bit trying to relax my mind. The book says to do something relaxing before bed, not something that causes you stress or worry. Lots of people watch the news before bed...that causes worry and stress. Anyway, so I'm reading my happy little book and in walks my dear husband starting up a conversation about what all needs to be done to get this house ready to sale. This causes me MUCH worry and stress and this conversation turns into a 45 minute discussion about everything under the sun. Ugh! I got so worked up and stressed out thinking about all of the things going on these next few months and how much money all of that was going to take.

I did eventually roll over and fall asleep, but for absolutely no known reason I was wide awake by 3:15. Now...I want to rise early, but not quite that early! I laid there with a sleepy body and sleepy eyes, but a mind full of busy stuff. At about 4am Landon came to bed with us. I snuggled with him for a little while, got up and got a drink, laid back down, tossed and turned. Then by about 5am Ella joined us. She of course needed more milk and some strange conversation about the fan. I tried to get up once and just go ahead and start my day, but she started crying so I laid back down to keep her from waking  everyone else up. She finally got back into a good sleep by about 6:30 so I came to the living room and picked up the laptop.

I'm not in the habit yet of going to bed early and getting up early, but I've set my goals and I'm working on it. The author encourages readers to publicly post their progress, so I figured I'd use this blog to do so. I really feel like getting into this healthy habit is going to help me reach those goals I sat at the beginning of the year.

I guess I'll move onto another part of my day since my poor son seems to really be struggling with getting dressed this morning...he's so sleepy...gee...I wonder why?!?!

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Get Going!

Yo...haha...I say yo because I'm currently catching up on tonight's American Idol. Oh my goodness I love this year's competition! I will say...Kree Harrison is my pick! And alot of people would think I was crazy, but I love Nicki Minaj...she is so funny and I feel like I could actually be freinds with her, lol!

Well, I was called out again about my blogging tonight...that's what I need sometimes, a good swift kick in the bottom to hold me accountable. And I'm here to admit to you all that I've been pitted out again. What does this to me? I hate it. When describing it to one of my friends she assured me I'm not the only one who feels this way sometimes. Honestly it's a vicious cycle, it starts when I miss just ONE day of my routine, which is horrible because it happens all the time! But if I miss one day of picking up after everyone, doing several loads of laundry, keeping the kitchen clean, etc, I lose it! It all happens so fast. The house gets cluttered, the laundry piles up either needing to be washed, needing to be folded, or needing to be put away. So when the house looks like that I want to stay in my little cave (my bedroom) and not get up. I don't want to come into the living room and see how messy it is. I don't want to step into the kitchen and smell last nights supper still sitting on the stove. I don't want to try to find clothes to put on in my piled up laundry room. I don't want to go into the bathroom to try to put on makeup or fix my hair with dirty pull-ups and pajamas laying in the floor. Then, if on top of that, there are a million things going on that I'm SUPPOSED to be doing it gets even worse. I nearly make myself sick stressing out instead of getting up off my butt and doing something about all of it. I feel like it all just sits on my shoulders and weighs me down and makes me tired to just think about it! The last several weeks have been crammed packed with things going on, things happening around us, and I just got bogged down.

I told you in one of my previous blogs about all that we have going on from now until the end of the year. I wish I could block some of it out and just focus on a week at a time, but so many of those things on my "list" require weeks and weeks of preparation. I'm not saying I have any more on my plate than anyone else, I know I don't, but there's this quality (or defect) about me that makes each one of those things on my "list" seem to be a much bigger deal than they really are. So then I overwhelm myself thinking about them and feeling like I have so much to do. I wish I could capitalize I more than it already is, because I'm trying to emphasize that I feel like I'm doing all on my own. This blog is helping me to realize I'm NOT doing it alone. When I feel overwhelmed all I need to do is stop, take a deep breath and give it to God. Pray about it. He WANTS to help me. He doesn't want me to try to do it all on my own.

Several things are helping me come out of my pit this time.
1. I HAVE to get my house in order, not only to get me back on track, but because spring break is coming and I refuse to go through it in a messy house!
2. My son. I'm telling you, just to see him at school, or a church, or any other activity, you can NOT possibly see how mature he is. He is so smart and observant. He sees me when I'm up and he sees me when I'm down. I want to be better for him!
3. Summer is coming and I want to lose weight like everyone else. I have two best friends who want to lose weight and what a better way to do it than together?!?
4. Our spring break trip is nearly here and that will be a revitalizing trip to help me come back home and carry on with all I need to accomplish.
5. I started a new book called Early To Rise. You should check it out. It's a 30 day challenge to show you how much better you days can be if you just get up out of the bed EARLY. I'm never early for anything and this is about to change. Getting up early is going to help me with house work, weight loss, my spiritual walk, and my ability to be a blessing to others. You know...you have to be healthy physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually to be able to help anyone else. It's okay to help yourself first so that you can be better for others.
6. Plans are coming together quite nicely for Landon's birthday party and that will be a big task off my list.
7. I AM starting an energy supplement. I have to do something to get going!!!

Still on the list:
1. Getting our taxes done ( I know...)
2. T-Ball practice starting, getting our team registered, getting uniforms ordered
3. Soccer practices every Monday and games every Saturday until May
4. Spring Break trip
5. Landon's Birthday party
6. Easter
7. Upcoming consignment sale
8. Selling our home
9. Closing on our new place
10. Moving.
11. Beginning the building process

My eyes are starting to cross from fatigue, so I apologize for any typos, but I can't possibly proof read tonight.

Until tomorrow (or whenever)!